Afraid of the Dentist Queen Creek 85142

Fear the dentist not!


Do you break out in cold sweats at even the mere thought of the dentist? Do you visualize all of the wildly unlikely, ridiculous, but still technically possible things that could go wrong? Do your hands sweat at the… Never mind, you get where I’m going with this. If you’re even the least bit afraid of the dentist, guess what? You’re not alone! Approximately 50 percent of adults are afraid of the dentist; and a whopping 5 percent (which it is whopping on the grand scale of the world’s population) have a severe fear of the dentist.


Needless to say, it’s quite common to get nervous before the dentist. Swedish researchers found it to be such a commonality that they conducted a study exploring popular ways to fight the fear of the dentist. Specifically, a research team at the University or Gothenburg in Sweden measured their research by asking their participants to identify five (5) methods they use to muscle through their dentist visits. Results yielded the following:

1) Pep talks and telling themselves that they can get through it;
2) Distracting themselves away from their current reality through song or mental diversion, such as counting how many dots on the ceiling;
3) Distancing themselves from what they’re feeling; for example, convincing themselves that it’s not pain they’re feeling, rather they’re numb and trying to convince themselves it’s pain;
4) Asking for a little assistance from above through prayer; and
5) Being optimistic and thinking ahead to their lives beyond the chair, once treatment is over.


Researchers ran their machines and analyzed the data, finding one coping mechanism to fly high above the rest: Optimism. Yep, you guessed it. Simply being positive helped the participants of this study get through being afraid of the dentist.


Another study with similar measures and purpose found that humor played a large role in calming those who fear the dentist. Researcher Jenny Bernson attested these results to the psychological barriers that are broken down through a good laugh, not only because a good chuckle reduces stress and creates a positive environment; but also because humor between patient and doctor creates a sense of equality through laughter, thus calming the patient.


With that said, you laugh and you keep your chin high. You giggle your way to a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth; and maybe once you’ve conquered that fear, you can be proof to others that the dentist ain’t so bad! Smile on, friends. There is no reason to fear the dentist!


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