Finding the Right Toothbrush for Your Child
We all want our children to have healthy beautiful teeth not only as children, but as adults as well. The best way to ensure this is by responsible brushing.
We all need Fluoride in our toothpaste. Fluoride helps build strong enamel in the tooth, and prevents cavities from forming.
Here's what you should know about brushing. Have your child brush two times per day, especially at nighttime. Kids tend to eat all day long, every only brushing once every 24 hours is not enough to ensuring healthy, strong teeth.
Be sure to supervise your children. Especially those between the ages of 2 to 6 years of age. You don't want them swallowing to much toothpaste, and also, they tend to miss some of the most important areas of the mouth. Children tend to concentrate just on their front teeth and forget all about the back and inside of the teeth!
Swallowing to much toothpaste, which contains the fluoride, during their teeth-forming years, may produce white lines or flecks on their permanent teeth. This is called dental fluorosis. Fluorosis, if happens, is usually mild and something that usually Dentists will see and recognize.
Best Toothbrush for Children Queen Creek AZ 85142 The last thing that will help your children continue to have strong healthy teeth is sealants. Sealants are a thin plastic coating that is painted onto the actual tooth. It is only used on the molars, the teeth that we use for chewing. Because we use these teeth for chewing, they have grooves, holes, and a rough surface. Because of that, food tends to get stuck more easily, thus producing cavities. Having sealants placed on your child's teeth as soon as those molars come in is the best way to ensure less cavities, since usually they appear on the molars of children.