It All Starts When They are Babies
So our kids will ALL go through that awkward phase where they start loosing their teeth and the new ones that come in.....well, seem HUGE and crooked! My daughter right now is 10 year old and just had 4 teeth pulled this past week. On top of that, she already has 2 6 teeth total are missing and let me tell you.......she kinda looks silly. I don't DARE say a word, is what it is! It's just a stage they go through and with proper dental care from newborn to adult, they will end up having beautiful, healthy teeth!
So what can you do for your child to ensure they get off to a good start? The first step is remembering that babies are already born with all their teeth! Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there! What they consume, even as an infant, will effect their teeth.
Kids should have all their baby teeth by the time they are three years old. These baby teeth are called primary teeth. And they will loose ALL these teeth! That process should start by the time they turn six years old.
The teeth that start coming in around 6-7 years of age once baby teeth start falling out are called permanent or adult teeth. Having gaps, large space, and crooked teeth are completely normal. Having gaps/spacing is extremely important actually! That is what makes room for the permanent ( that seem huge! ) teeth. When Will My Child Get All Their Teeth Queen Creek AZ 85142
Most children get all their permanent teeth by the time they are 13 years old. When Will My Child Get All Their Teeth Queen Creek AZ 85142
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